Domain Name & Web Site Watch

We make it easy for you to respond to network issues in real-time. You can't fix issues you don't know exist. Your user expect access to applications and web sites to be available 24 hours per day, every day.

  • Don't lose revenue due to your web site being down.
  • Real time monitoring
  • Availability monitoring
  • This solution is perfect for small-medium sized businesses that do not have resources and systems in place to perform the proper network and web site monitoring.

    Create your trial account test try the functionality.

    ALERTS. When alerts occur, email, SMS, and voice phone calls are sent to a specific person or to a group of people via a distribution list.

    Device List » Order »

    Standard License

    Sample domain name and web site status on the dashboard:

    Online Subscription

    Sample domain name and web site status on the web portal: